Snow Haven International Interior Design Contest For Students


Alberto Mera from Interior Deck team contacted me and informed me about INTERIORDECK INTERNATIONAL STUDENT DESIGN CONTEST, which I would like to share with you on my blog.

It is an bi-annual contest for interior design and architecture students. At the beginning of every semester, a project  which could be a house, a restaurant, an office, etc. is presented and the participants are asked to design the interiors. The projects are always fictional; and a series of requirements should be fulfilled.  For every contest there is  a professional jury based on the country  the project takes place.

The current contest is called Snow Haven. The project to be designed is a house placed in the Aran Valley (Vall d’Aran), in the Catalan region, surrounded by 3,000-metres peaks and more than 200 lakes.

For further details of the project, contest and the prize and jury, you can visit